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Recently Added RSS Feeds

I'm completely in love with RSS ("really simple syndication") and my RSS reader, IntraVnews. Now I can track lots of different blogs and other news sources, even really sporadic ones (like this blog) without having to surf all over the place checking on them. I'm just too lazy to want to do that.

Here's a few of my most recently added feeds:

Lindsay Staniforth is a Canadian woodworker and jewelry designer living and working in Vancouver, B.C. Her blog, though only rarely active, offers a nice view behind the scenes of a creative craftsperson. She has a lot in common with my friend Melissa, who's also a woodworker and jewelry designer. Unfortunately, Melissa doesn't yet have a blog...

An acquaintance from my LambdaMOO days, Lynn Cherny, writes Ghostweather Shortform, a fun and eclectic miscellany of short pieces on technology, travel, photography, recent events, and anything else that strikes her fancy.

Meryl Getline is a airline pilot for United Airlines who writes a roughly weekly Q&A column for USA Today, called Ask the Captain, in which she answers all sorts of questions about aircraft and flying. For example, what's that hole at the back of an airplane, how do planes stop so quickly after landing, and how much does a plane fly itself? Captain Getline also has a personal blog, but I didn't find that quite as interesting. (Thanks to Lilly "Girlhacker" Tao for this one!)

Finally, I just learned about PostSecret, an online confessional blog with a cute difference: all confessions must be mailed, via US Mail, on a homemade postcard. The editors then scan that in and post it on the site. Most of the cards resemble ransom notes, but the confessions and the creativity of the authors are genuine and, I find, captivating. I'm a little concerned that the volume may be too much for me to keep up with via RSS, but I'm grateful to the New York Times technology feed for pointing it out.


Ha! I don't think I have time right now to start a blog, but maybe one day. I'll have to consult my in-house technical support. :-)